Checkboxes & Radio Button

The Checkboxes & Radio Button allows users to make selections and make choices within your app. The GoodBarber design system offers a consistent and intuitive experience for this component across all platforms. With a variety of styles and options, the Checkboxes & Radio Button component is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of contexts, from simple forms to more complex interfaces.

Whether you're building a survey, a quiz, or a data entry form, the Checkboxes & Radio Button component is an essential part of your toolkit. With clear, easy-to-use design, it ensures that users can make their selections with confidence, and without confusion.



Checkboxes height & width

Checkboxes height & width

Radio buttons

Radio buttons height & width

Radio buttons height & width

Font Size

The Font size changes depending on the devices and the choice of the component size.

Component SizeText LevelMobileTabletWeb
SmallBody 1141516
Small Body 1111212
MediumBody 1161719
Small Body 1121313
LargeBody 1192122
Small Body 1131414

Text and component size according the size atom

Text and component size according the size atom



Checkboxes Border Radius

Shape on checkboxes

Shape on checkboxes

Plain & Outline options

Border size values by state for all sizes (Small / Medium / Large)

Style option on checkboxes and radio buttons

Style option on checkboxes and radio buttons


Spacing within a form

Spacings will be the same for all text or component sizes. To see how the components behave within a form, please refer to the Form Layout section

Checkboxes and radio buttons in form

Checkboxes and radio buttons in form

Spacing with a textField

Spacings will be the same for all text or component sizes

Checkbox with a text field

Checkbox with a text field


Below a preview where we can find:

  • The 3 component sizes Small / Medium / Large
  • The corresponding font sizes
  • The 2 options Plain and Outline
  • The 3 shape options Sharp / Rounded / Round
Conseils pour créer une app