Release 21/11/2018
- Form section : the browser is not opening anymore when you click on an image
Release 14/11/2018
- Grid Navigation Mode : fixed a display issue on iPhone X
#BUG FIX #PWA - Article detail : when we click on an anchor link into the content of an article we properly scroll to the target of the link
Release 09/11/2018
- Live radio section : fixed an issue that caused a crash when the user tried to stop the live radio.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Form section : fixed an issue that caused some texts truncated.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Internal ad network add-on : now when there's a black background fitting all the screen when an interstitial ad is displayed.
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Swipe menu : fixed an issue that caused the background gradient not displayed in iPad.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Click to section : fixed an issue that caused a blank page on some links opening (links with # char in the URL)
Release 07/11/2018
- Map section & widgets : fixed an issue with the computation of distance label
Release 05/11/2018
- Features :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - PWA : on iOS prompt the user to add the PWA to Home Screen if the visitor is navigating in the browser (not in standalone mode)
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Bug fixes :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Fixed a playlist issue with the global sound player
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Form section: improve the way we upload videos
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Core : now we better handle right to left languages in some sections
Release 25/10/2018
- Map section : fixed an issue that caused the comments button not responding.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Live+ add-on : fixed an issue that caused the author & the title of the track not displayed.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Video section : fixed an issue that caused the fullscreen button not responding.
Release 22/10/2018
- Event section : in list view, make the date bullet animation more fluid
#BUG FIX #PWA - Event section : now the event infos are well displayed even if the text variable is displayed on several lines
#BUG FIX #PWA - Home : fixed an alignment issue of the widget when the chosen template is Classic Horizontal
Release 19/10/2018
- Home: Fix display of some elements that were covered by app header
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - External ad networks add-on : Update of the Google AdMob SDK to the 7.35.0 version
Release 18/10/2018
- Search section : fixed an issue that caused wrong colors in the post comment icon.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Article section : fixed an issue that caused the header hidden when : the header is set to disparition mode & there's just a few article in the list.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Live Radio Plus add-on : fixed an issue that caused the title and the artist not displayed in some cases.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Authentication add-on : fixed an issue that caused the displayed of a non-translated message when an error occurred on the login.
Release 30/03/2018
- Enable Offline capabilities with the new Service Worker for Safari and Mobile Safari
Release 06/03/2018
- iPhone X screen adaptations
Release 01/02/2018
- Features :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Directional gradient
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Bug fixes :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Form section : fixed a bug with the links color of the description
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Map section : fixed a problem where the map wasn't bound correctly on points
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Core : open the phone links inside the same tab to better behave on standalone mode
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Comments : now if the facebook user doesn't give us the email, we act as if we were not loggedIn
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Form section : fixed a text overflow problem when label is too long
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Release: Directional gradient
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Browsing mode & Backgrounds: Native gradient
Release 04/01/2018
- New features :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - New widget Shortcuts (PWA plan only)
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - New widget Socials (PWA plan only)
Release 21/12/2017
- New features :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - New widget Newsletter
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - New widget Search Bar (PWA plan only)
Release 20/12/2017
- Release : Widget Newsletter
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - RELEASE: WIdget Newsletter
Release 19/12/2017
- New feature :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Home section : new widget Spacer (PWA plan only)
Release 22/11/2017
- New features :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - New widget Html (PWA plan only)
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - New sms push notifications add-on (PWA plan only)
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Bug fixes :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - fix external links navigation when the PWA is installed on Home screen on iOS
Release 17/10/2017
- New feature :
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Home section : new Widget Ads
Release 16/10/2017
- New features :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Home section : new Widget Ads
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Chat section : now we send a push notification when a new message is sent
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Safari Mac OS push notifications
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Bug fixes :
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - TabBar navigation mode : fixed an issue with search engine
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Core : fixed some IE11 display bugs
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - New feature :
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Home section : new Widget Ads
Release 12/10/2017
- NEW: Notifications displays now an image for scheduled push
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - NEW: Answering to a message in the chat can be done via the notification from Android Nougat 7.0
Release 09/10/2017
- NEW: Shortcuts are available for Android Nougat 7.1
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Introducing Web animations
Release 03/10/2017
- NavBar hide effect has been changed.
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - The statusBar is now colored
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Bookmarks: Fixed click going into wrong detail
Release 02/10/2017
- iOS Specific features :
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Release : 3D Touch peek and pop on articles list to see detail view
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Release : 3D Touch on springboard icon to go in specific sections
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Release : Spotlight indexing articles
Release 25/09/2017
- Web notifications
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Added Ads system
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - User Search
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - NavBar Element Profile : design & behaviors fixes
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - User Search
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - NavBar Element Profile : design & behaviors fixes
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - RELEASE : NavBar Element Login/Profile
Release 18/09/2017
- New release with list redesign:
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Articles list : T7/T8/T9
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Video list : All templates
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Podcast list
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Soundcloud list
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Bookmarks list
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Articles : T7/T8/T9 redesign
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Videos : All templates redesign
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Podcast list redesign
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Soundcloud list redesign
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Map list redesign
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Bookmarks list redesign
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - General : New bottom pager animated in all the app
Release 11/09/2017
- Events: Bullet display hour mode
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - General : Gradient feature
Release 08/09/2017
- Events: Bullet display hour mode
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - General: Gradient feature
#NEW RELEASE #IOS - Events: Bullet display hour mode
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - General: Gradient feature
Release 17/07/2017
- Features:
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Adding the support of linking a PDF file in the MCMS article section
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Bug fixes:
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Search section:
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - fix the scroll on results if there is only one tab
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - fix the placeholder display without results if there is only one tab
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Chat: fix the empty users list
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Home: fix the margins with an "RTL" source
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Submit: fix the textarea focus on iOS devices
Release 03/07/2017
- Search section released
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Search section : release
Release 30/06/2017
- Search Section released
Release 29/06/2017
- Article section, templates T4, T5, T6 redesigned
#NEW RELEASE #ANDROID - Article section, templates T4, T5, T6 redesigned
#NEW RELEASE #PWA - Fonts management : better management of the Google Fonts styles and variants