Release 16/05/2024
- Events section: Fixed an issue that could prevent events from being added to the device calendar.
#BUG FIX #IOS - TabBar & Floating TabBar menu: Fixed an issue that could cause the TabBar disappearing when it shouldn't.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Memberships extension: Fixed an issue that caused the premium sticker to not be aligned with the text.
Release 15/05/2024
- External advertising networks add-on: Fixed an issue that caused a display issue of the application when an AdSense banner is configured with AutoAds.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Favorites section: Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong background color to be displayed.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that could cause the title of header to be partially cut.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - About section: Fixed an issue that caused the wrong font to be applied on h2 HTML tags.
Release 14/05/2024
- Events section: In the map view, fixed an issue that caused the place information popup to be displayed empty.
#BUG FIX #PWA - User groups extension: In the users list map view, fixed an issue that caused the place information popup to be displayed empty.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Fixed an issue that could cause the content of the page not to be completely visible when the Header effect selected is 'Resizing'.
#BUG FIX #PWA - Memberships extension: In Custom code parts of the app, fixed an issue that caused links to the subscription page to not be working.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that could cause the link to install the app to redirect to the App Store even if it was already installed.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when the user was clicking on a link leading to an hidden section.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Home section: In Podcasts widgets using the UneClassic template, fixed an issue that could cause the play button to be incorrectly displayed.
Release 13/05/2024
- Podcasts section: In lists using the Classic Play template, fixed an issue that could cause the play button to appear incorrectly for restricted items.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Authentication extension: In the sign up page, fixed an issue that could prevent VoiceOver from detecting a checkbox.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Memberships extension: In the subscription page, fixed an issue that would cause VoiceOver to read the available subscription details in an incorrect order.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Authentification extension: In the user profile edition page, fixed an issue that could prevent changes from being saved.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Fixed an issue that caused Instagram to be available as a sharing option.
Release 07/05/2024
- Map section: In lists using the Split View template, fixed an issue that could cause the transition to the locations list to be displayed incorrectly.
Release 06/05/2024
- Videos section: Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading on videos opened on fullscreen.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Authentication extension: In the user profile page, fixed an issue that could cause the "My Infos" tab to be hidden where it shouldn't.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Chat extension: In users profile pages, fixed an issue that caused the send message button to be displayed also on blacklisted users.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Chat extension: In users profile pages, fixed an issue that caused the send message button to be displayed also on blacklisted users.
Release 02/05/2024
- Authentication extension: In the login page, fixed an issue that could cause the skip button to be displayed behind the status bar.
Release 30/04/2024
- Videos section: In videos detail pages, fixed an issue that caused the play button to not be displayed or displayed without being playable.
Release 26/04/2024
- Articles section: While using categories with the Filters template, fixed an issue that caused the close icon to not be perfectly aligned with its background.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Map section: In map places detail pages using the ToolBar Up Classic template, fixed an issue that caused a visual glitch while swiping between pages.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Articles section: In lists using the Checkerboard template, we now use infos font for the blog post summary displayed on mobile devices.
Release 25/04/2024
- Home section: In Articles widget, with Immersive Card Banner, fixed an issue that caused the bookmark icon to not be updated after a user click.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Home section: In Podcasts widgets, the size of the 'PLAY' label has been reduced.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Floating TabBar menu: The TabBar height has been increased.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Home section: It's now possible to add an automatic scroll animation on your Links widgets using the Small Carousel.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Discover the new Classic Play template and display your sounds and podcasts on your app's homepage in a modern, intuitive way.
#NEW RELEASE - You can now insert your own “” (generated by an external service or written by yourself) in your back office and thus control your SEO 100%.
Release 24/04/2024
- Articles section: In blog posts detail pages, fixed an issue that could cause a pager to be displayed where it shouldn't.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Home section: In Podcasts widgets, the size of the 'PLAY' label has been reduced.
#BUG FIX #IOS - In the audio player, fixed an issue that caused the share icon to appear distorted.
Release 23/04/2024
- A shadow option on certain layouts of your app (widgets, sections, categories, details...) can now be activated from the My App menu.
#NEW RELEASE - Chat extension: In the profile page of a user, fixed an issue that caused the send message button to be displayed on blacklisted users.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Grid menu: Fixed an issue that could cause the logo of the header to be displayed cut.
Release 22/04/2024
- Home section: The loading time & performances of the page have been improved.
Release 19/04/2024
- iBeacons extension: Fixed an issue that made it impossible to launch the application when the iBeacons configuration has not been completed.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Podcasts section: In lists using the Classic Play template, fixed an issue that caused a wrong display using a 'Right-to-Left' language.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Home section: On iPad devices, fixed an issue that caused some margins to be applied on widget headers.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Events section: In lists using the Classic template, fixed an issue that could cause the wrong thumbnail to be displayed after a user scroll.
Release 18/04/2024
- While using the disparition effect of the header, fixed an issue that caused the logo to be displayed cut.
Release 17/04/2024
- In the additional menu of headers shortcuts, fixed an issue that could cause titles to not be displayed.
Release 15/04/2024
- Home section: Fixed an issue that could cause the random sorting on Content widgets to not be working.
#BUG FIX #IOS - Ghost menu: Fixed an issue that caused a crash while opening the application from a web link.
Release 12/04/2024
- Event section: In events detail pages, fixed an issue that caused a clickable blank space displayed in place of the map view when the user doesn't have any address.
Release 11/04/2024
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue that could cause the header logo to not be displayed.
#UPDATE #PWA - URL section: Fixed an issue that could cause application links to be opened in the web browser.
Release 10/04/2024
- Podcasts section: In lists using the Classic Play template, the time left of the podcast is now displayed in the cell instead of the time spent.
#BUG FIX #ANDROID - Fixed an issue causing shapes to not be applied on dropdown fields and text fields.
Release 09/04/2024
- My Account section: Fixed an issue that made it impossible for users to edit their password.
Release 05/04/2024
- Form section: Fixed an issue that could cause titles of paragraph fields not aligned with other titles.