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ToutApp de ContenuApp eCommerce

Release  19/06/2024

  • Home section: Fixed an issue that could cause widgets to be displayed empty. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  18/06/2024

  • Podcasts section: In lists using the Classic Play template, fixed an issue that could cause the play button to be disabled. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Custom code section extension: Fixed an issue that could cause errors in the JavaScript console about variables that are not defined. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  17/06/2024

  • Community extension: In the users list section, fixed an issue that caused the user to be redirected to the top of the page when he was trying to load more than one page of users. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Modernize the map view of your Map section with the new pin icon design options: display the location thumbnail or upload a colored icon 
  • Home section: Fixed an issue that caused shapes to not be applied on headers of Search widgets. 
  • Memberships extension: In detail pages of premium articles, fixed an issue that could cause the hiding gradient to not be displayed on the whole screen width. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Home section: In Search widgets, fixed an issue that caused the shape to not be applied. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Community extension: In the Home section, fixed an issue that caused horizontal margins to not be applied on Users widgets. 

Release  13/06/2024

  • Floating TabBar menu: Fixed an issue that caused the TabBar to be incorrectly displayed on iPhone SE devices. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Home section: In Articles widgets using the Visual Card template, fixed an issue that caused information below the title to not be displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  12/06/2024

  • Map section: Fixed an issue that caused the order of places to not be updated after clicking on the 'Search this area' button. 

Release  11/06/2024

  • Search section: Fixed an issue that caused map places detail pages to be displayed empty when opened from the search results page. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  10/06/2024

  • Articles section: Fixed an issue that caused the wrong article to be displayed when the user was opening a detail page after swiping between categories.  
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Search section: Fixed an issue that made it impossible to load more than one page of results. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/06/2024

  • In the audio player, fixed an issue that caused the swipe gesture to not be working when the user was swiping slowly. 
  • Map section: Fixed an issue that caused lists using the Split View template to not be displayed on iOS devices when the app is installed on the Home screen. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  06/06/2024

  • Articles section: Fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when an article is opened from a push notification. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Map section: In map places detail pages using the Toolbar Up Classic template, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Loyalty card extension: In the QRCode validation page, fixed an issue that caused the button to be displayed empty. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  05/06/2024

  • Map section: In lists using the Split View template, fixed an issue that caused the map pin icon to be displayed stretched. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  04/06/2024

  • Home section: In Custom code widgets, fixed an issue that caused internal links to be opened in the web browser. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Authentication extension: The '@' character is now allowed when adding the Instagram username. 
  • Custom code menu: Fixed an issue that caused the menu to remain opened after navigating to another section of the app. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  03/06/2024

  • Map section: In lists using the Visual template, fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Podcasts section: In podcasts detail pages, fixed an issue that could cause the title of the podcast to be displayed twice. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  31/05/2024

  • Floating TabBar menu: Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect display of the menu when the display of titles was disabled. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  30/05/2024

  • Home section: In Sound widgets using the Classic Play template, fixed an issue that could cause the widget to not be displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Authentication extension: In the user profile settings page, fixed an issue that caused the background color to not be applied uniformly. 

Release  29/05/2024

  • You can now add more than one file in your Custom code widgets and upload CSS, JavaScript files, images etc. 
  • Couponing extension: Fixed an issue that made it impossible to add a coupon to favorites when the geolocation has not been granted. 
  • Play options Loop and auto-play are now available in your Favorites section settings 

Release  28/05/2024

  • Photos section: In photos detail pages, fixed an issue that prevented the favorite icon from being visually selected when the photo was added to favorites. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • External advertising networks extension: Fixed an issue that prevented interstitial ads from displaying. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Home section: In Articles and Videos widgets using the Banner Classic template, we now display up to 3 lines of title instead of 2. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  27/05/2024

  • Authentication extension: In the User profile section, on the settings page fixed an issue that caused the wrong background color to be applied. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Authentication extension: In the User profile section, on the settings page fixed an issue that caused the wrong background color to be applied. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  24/05/2024

  • Community extension: In the users list section, fixed an issue that caused avatars to be displayed bigger than expected.  
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Memberships extension: Fixed an issue that could cause a crash of the application after subscribing. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  22/05/2024

  • TabBar menu: Fixed an issue that could cause TabBar titles to be displayed behind the Home indicator. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • GPT-4o and GPT-4 (Turbo) models are now available for your ChatGPT sections. 
  • ChatGPT sections can now be restricted to your app’s users only 

Release  21/05/2024

  • Photos section: In photos detail pages, fixed an issue that caused the title of the header to overlap toolbar icons.  
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Loyalty card extension: In the confirmation screen, fixed an issue that caused action buttons to be correctly aligned. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  17/05/2024

  • Photos section: In photos detail pages, fixed an issue that prevented the favorite icon from being visually selected when the photo was added to favorites. 
  • Videos section: YouTube videos can now be watched in portrait too. 

Release  16/05/2024

  • Events section: Fixed an issue that could prevent events from being added to the device calendar. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • TabBar & Floating TabBar menu: Fixed an issue that could cause the TabBar disappearing when it shouldn't. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Memberships extension: Fixed an issue that caused the premium sticker to not be aligned with the text. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  15/05/2024

  • External advertising networks add-on: Fixed an issue that caused a display issue of the application when an AdSense banner is configured with AutoAds. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Favorites section: Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong background color to be displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the title of header to be partially cut. 
  • About section: Fixed an issue that caused the wrong font to be applied on h2 HTML tags. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
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